Nayanthara, who recently made her debut on Instagram, shared a special one for her husband Vignesh Shivan's birthday on Monday. The actress shared three romantic pictures of themselves having blissful time with each other in their balcony. Along with the pictures, she even penned down a long note for Vignesh, expressing her love for him.?
Check out her post:
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In the caption, Nayanthara wrote, ''Happyyy birthday my blessing. There’s so much that I wanna write about you on this special day but if I start then I don’t think I can stop at JUST a few things !! I am so grateful to you for the Love, u shower on me !! Am so grateful for the respect u have for our relationship !! Am so grateful for everything that you are to me. There’s NO ONE LIKE YOU !! Thank you for coming into my life n making it soooo dreamy ,meaningful n beautiful !! You are the besttttt at everything you do !! With alllllll my heart n soul ,I wish my uyir the bestesttt of everything in life. May Every Dream of urs come true n May God blessss u with all the happiness in the world. I LOVE YOU.''
On the work front for Nayanthara
The actress is currently basking in the success of her recent release Jawan. She featured opposite Shah Rukh Khan and the film is on its way to becomes the biggest Hindi film in history. It has already shattered many bo office records and will be breaking a few more in the coming days.?
Nayanthara will next be seen in psychological action thriller titled Iraivan alongside Rahul Bose and Jayam Ravi. She also has a sports drama flick alongside R Madhavan titled The Test.?
Apart from these, she also has Alphonse Puthren's directorial Paattu, and Dear Students, directed by Sandeep Kumar and George Philip Roy.?