The daughter of veteran Bollywood actor Dharmendra and dream girl Hema Malini is more in the news for her personal life than her acting career. Recently news has come to light regarding Esha Deol's marriage. Recently a social media user shared a post on Reddit and indicated in it that Isha and Bharat separated from each other. That's why they are no longer seen together in public. Not only this, in this post the user has also claimed that Bharat is cheating on his wife.
Post claim Bharat's girlfriend is the reason behind their divorce
The user also claimed in his post that he had seen Isha's husband Bharat at a party in Bengaluru on New Year's Day. Where he was with one of his alleged girlfriend. It was also told that Bharat's girlfriend lives in Bangalore only. However, till now no one from the Deol family has given any reaction to this viral news. After this news surfaced on social media, users started reacting to it. One user wrote, 'Looking at Bharat, it seemed that he loves his family and wife very much.' Another wrote, 'Those things should not happen to Isha that happened to her mother..'
Isha married Bharat in 2012
Let us tell you that Esha Deol married Bharat on 29 June 2012. The wedding was done with utmost simplicity in ISKCON Temple, Mumbai. After five years of marriage, the couple became parents of a daughter Radhya, and then in the year 2019, Isha gave birth to their second daughter Miraya Takhtani.
This star couple is often seen sharing pictures on social media. However, this time Bharat was?missing from Esha Deol's birthday celebration and he?was also absent from Hema Malini's birthday, in 2023. Official confirmation of the divorce news is still awaited. But these rumours have definitely ignited a new debate online.??
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