Aamir Khan's Laal Singh Chaddha is less than a month away from release. At a special screening of the film, Aamir invited the bigwigs of the South film industry to showcase the upcoming film and get feedback. Aamir is known to hold such screenings ahead of his film's?release and this star-studded evening saw the likes of Nagarjuna, SS Rajamouli, Sukumar, Naga Chaitanya and Chiranjeevi arriving to watch the highly-anticipated Bollywood film.?
Aamir Khan screens Laal Singh Chaddha for film industry bigwigs
Ahead of the release on August 11, Aamir invited Chiranjeevi, Nagarjuna and Baahubali and RRR director SS Rajamouli for a special screening of Laal Singh Chaddha. An image of the three South film industry veterans is doing the rounds on social media in which they are seen with Aamir as the film was played?on the big screen. Pushpa director Sukumar and Aamir's Laal Singh Chaddha co-star Naga Chaitanya are also seen at the film screening. In the viral image, all eyes are glued to the big screen.?
Aamir Khan's Laal Singh Chaddha releasing on August 11
Laal Singh Chaddha is set to release on August 11. The movie co-stars Kareena Kapoor Khan, Mona Singh and Naga Chaitanya in pivotal roles. It is the remake of the Hollywood classic Forrest Gump starring Tom Hanks in the title role and follows the journey of the lead character as he navigates the major events shaping US history. The movie has been adapted for the Indian context and Aamir will play the lead role. After Thugs of Hindostan was released in 2018, this will be?Aamir's first film to arrive in four years. It has been filmed extensively in India and abroad and anticipation is sky high.?
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All about Laal Singh Chaddha
Laal Singh Chaddha wrapped up production in September last year. Advait Chandan of Secret Superstar fame is the director.?Atul Kulkarni shares the screenplay credit for Laal Singh Chaddha?along with Eric Roth, who had adapted the 1986 novel for Tom Hanks' movie. Forrest Gump, which chronicled the life story of the titular protagonist, a slow-witted but kindhearted man from Alabama, had won six Academy Awards, including best picture, best actor for Hanks and best director for Robert Zemeckis.
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