After attending the last rites of Tishaa Kumar, daughter of T-Series co-owner Krishan Kumar, actor Divya Khossla shared a heartwarming post on her Instagram account. Taking to her official handle, she posted unseen pictures and videos of Tishaa. In one of the pictures in the post, Divya is seen having fun on a vacation with Tishaa. In one of the videos, Tishaa is seen smiling and posing for camera. Along with the post, Divya also penned a special message, which read, ''Tishaa you will remain in our hearts forever gone so soon, @tanyasingghofficial may God give you the strength to go through this most painful loss. #tishaakumar #OmShanti''
See the post:
Soon after the post was shared on Instagram, her fans chimed in the comment section. One user wrote, ''It was indeed shocking!!!!! May her soul rest in peace.'' ''heartbreaking,'' wrote another. For the unversed, Tishaa died due to cancer at the age of 21. She was the daughter of Krishan Kumar and Tanya. The 21-year-old was battling cancer for a long time. Tishaa was first undergoing cancer treatment in Mumbai and later she was shifted to Germany, She took her last breath in hospital on Thursday.
On Monday, a funeral was held in Mumbai and was attended by several Bollywood celebrities including Farah Khan, Sajid Khan, and Riteish Deshmukh, among others.
Tishaa Kumar's death leaves a significant void in the Kumar family. Her most recent public appearance was on November 30, 2023, at the premiere of Ranbir Kapoor's film Animal.
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