Sony Entertainment Television's favourite knowledge-based reality game show 'Kaun Banega Crorepati' has returned to the small screen of TV with a new season. Amitabh Bachchan gave a grand start to the 16th season with his powerful voice. The show premiered on August 12 at 9:00 pm. With the tagline 'Zindagi hai, har mod par sawal poochhegi, jawaab to dena hoga', megastar Amitabh Bachchan started the round of questions. New and old rules of the game were explained. This time the concept of 'Super Sawal' and 'Dugnastra' has been introduced, which will give the contestant a chance to double the amount. With this, the game started and the first contestant sat on the hot seat, with whom Amitabh Bachchan started the round of questions.
Utkarsh Bakshi of Gujarat became the first contestant
In the first episode of 'Kaun Banega Crorepati 16', Amitabh Bachchan introduced Utkarsh Bakshi of Gujarat. His game was very good and he was seen answering questions rapidly. With the help of lifeline, he reached the 13th question. Yes! Utkarsh answered the 12th question correctly, but his car got stuck on the 13th question. Now what was this question of Rs 25 lakhs and what is its correct answer, let us tell you.
This was the question of Mahabharata
According to Mahabharata, which God gifted a garland to Amba and said that whoever wore it would be able to kill Bhishma?
A) Lord Shiva
B) Lord Kartikeya
C) Lord Indra
D) Lord Vayu
Know the correct answer
Utkarsh used two lifelines to answer this question, but even after this, he was not able to answer it and in such a situation his answer remained wrong. Due to giving the wrong answer, he lost the money he had got and he had to return home with only 3 lakh 20 thousand. Now let us tell you the correct answer to this question. The God who gifted a garland to Amba in Mahabharata was Lord Kartikeya.
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