Congress MP from Rae Bareli and Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi on Monday kickstarted his LoP duties with fierce attacks on the treasury bench. He spoke on the spectrum of issues which were rebutted by the ministers and even the Prime Minister. Among various issues ranging from Agniveer to Lok Sabha election results including Ayodhya, where BJP lost to Samajwadi party candidate, Rahul Gandhi also spoke on NEET-UG row. While speaking at the Motion of Thanks in 18th Lok Sabha, Rahul Gandhi said that the NEET students are convinced that the exam is designed to benefit the students of rich families and not meritorious students.
Rahul Gandhi said, "NEET students spend years and years preparing for their exam. Their family supports them financially, and emotionally and the truth is that NEET students today do not believe in the exam because they are convinced that the exam is designed for rich people, not meritorious people." He went on and said that he met students who claimed that the examination is designed to create passage for rich people into the system. He said, "I have met several NEET students. Every single one of them tells me that the exam is designed to create a quota for rich people and to create a passage for them into the system and is designed not to help poor students."
NEET-UG irregularities case
Notably, the NEET irregularities case came to light after the grace marks were allotted to some students. Although the grace marks withdrawn from the candidates, there were apprehensions over the paper leak, which was investigated in five states including Bihar, Rajasthan and Gujarat. Later, the Education Ministry called for CBI to put up the case and the case was eventually transferred to CBI which registered its own FIR in the case, other than five FIRs of the individual states. So far six arrests have been made from Jharkhand to Guajarat. The arrested persons?include Principal and Vice Prinicpal of Oasis school, situated in Hazaribagh, Jharkhand and an owner of private school in Gujarat's Godhara. Both the school were designated cetres of the NEET-UG examinations. Apart from them, a journalist has also been arrested in the case.?
ALSO READ |?CBI makes sixth arrest in NEET-UG paper leak case, nabs private school owner from Godhra