Nothing has recently added another colour variant for its recently launched Phone (2a). So far, the device was available in Black and White colours, and now the company has also added a Blue colour variant which is available for Indian users. This mid-budget smartphone was launched early last month (March 2024) and incorporating the blue variant, shows that the company has bigger plans for the Indian market. The sales for the latest blue variant will start from May 2 onwards.?
The sale is to go live from May 2 onwards, at a starting price of Rs 19,999. The handset will be available in three variants:
- 8GB RAM + 128GB
- 8GB RAM + 256GB?
- 12GB RAM + 256GB
The other two colour variants (Black and White) are already available on Flipkart, and one can buy the new variant (Blue) at a discount of up to Rs 4,000 on May 2 from noon onwards.
Nothing Phone (2a) Blue: Features?
Talking about the features, the upcoming Phone (2a) will feature a 6.7-inch FHD+? (with flexible AMOLED) display and supports a 120Hz high refresh rate. The handset comes with a peak brightness of up to 1300 nits and standing under the mid-budget segment, the new smartphone will be powered by a MediaTek Dimensity 7200 Pro processor. The handset is backed by up to 12GB RAM and 256GB internal storage. Also, the device is backed by a 5,000mAh battery with 45W USB Type-C fast charging.?
The handset works on Nothing OS 2.5 based on the Android 14 operating system. Again, the highlighting of Glyph lighting and transparent design on the back of the device.
This smartphone from Nothing further comes with a dual rear camera setup- featuring a 50MP main OIS camera and a 50MP secondary shooter. On the front, it has a 32MP selfie shooter.?
This is a must to mentioned that the new variant is going to hit strict competition with other existing mid-budget smartphones like the OnePlus Nord and Samsung Galaxy A series.
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