Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Tuesday began his two-day visit to the holy city of Ayodhya, where he offered prayers at the Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Temple. In a video that has surfaced, the Chief Minister is seen performing rituals and bowing before the idol of Ram Lalla. Before his visit to the Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Temple, CM Yogi Adityanath also offered prayers at the Hanumangarhi Temple, another significant religious site in Ayodhya dedicated to Lord Hanuman.
CM Yogi Adityanath, known for his devout Hindu beliefs, has frequently visited Ayodhya since assuming office, often participating in religious ceremonies and rituals. His visit today further highlights his connection with the religious and cultural heritage of the state, as well as his commitment to the development and promotion of Ayodhya as a major spiritual hub.
CM Yogi to?review development projects in Ayodhya
According to an official release, the Chief Minister is also scheduled to convene a meeting with officials and public representatives to review development projects and law enforcement in Ayodhya. He will also meet BJP office bearers at the Circuit House in the city and conduct a field inspection of the ongoing development works, it added.?On Wednesday, CM Adityanath will pay tribute at the Samadhi Sthal of Brahmalin Paramhans Ramchandra Das Maharaj. He will then unveil a statue of the saint at Digambar Akhara and participate in a 'bhandara' programme, the statement said. Following these events, the chief minister will depart Ayodhya for Ambedkar Nagar, it added.
'Ram temple will be complete by December'
Earlier in June, Chairman of the Ram temple Construction Committee Nripendra Mishra expressed the hope that the construction of the Ram temple will be completed by December. He said marble from Rajasthan will be used in making the 'Ram Darbar' and the seven temples. Four sculptors have been shortlisted for this work, he added. The idol of Ram Lalla was consecrated at the Ayodhya temple on January 22, a landmark event led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi who also gave a clarion call to go beyond the grand temple's construction to build the foundation of a "strong, capable and divine" India of the next 1,000 years.
(With inputs from agencies)
ALSO READ:?No water leakage in sanctum sanctorum where Lord Ram Lalla resides: Ayodhya Temple Trust