Today's Horoscope, July 23, 2024: Today is the Udaya Tithi Dwitiya of Shravan Krishna Paksha and Tuesday. Dwitiya Tithi will remain till 10:24 am today, after which Tritiya Tithi will start. Ayushman Yoga will remain at 2:36 pm today. Also, Dhanishta Nakshatra will remain till 8:18 pm tonight. Apart from this, the Mangala Gauri fast will be observed today. Know from Acharya Indu Prakash how will be the day of July 23, 2024, for you and with which measures you can make this day better. Also, know what will be the lucky number and lucky colour for you.
Today is going to be a great day. Today is an auspicious day for businessmen. There are chances of getting money. Making a partnership will be beneficial for you today. A big matter related to land will be resolved. Today is a good day to take a new initiative in the office. There is a possibility of profit. There is going to be some change in career today, new paths of progress will open. Your respect will increase.
Today is going to bring new changes. Today will be a good day for property dealers, there will be sudden monetary gains. The financial side will be strong. Health will remain fit today. Women of this zodiac sign can get a surprise from their spouse today.. which will keep the mind happy the whole day. Today your work will be appreciated in the office. Your juniors will come to learn work from you. My Lovemate plans to go somewhere today.
Today is going to be a good day for you. Today a glimpse of confidence will be seen in your work. Today you will attract others towards you with your words. Any pending work will be completed with the help of your loved ones. Students of this zodiac sign are going to get some good news related to a competitive exam today, hearing that your face will blossom. Today the opinion of your spouse will prove to be effective for you. The opposition will keep its distance from you today. Today you will meet some experienced people.
Today is going to bring happiness. The work started earlier will be completed today, and you will also get positive results. Keep your patience today and go with the times. Keep your emotions under control, it will be beneficial. Today you will find new ways of progress. The ability to deal with problems quickly will give you special recognition. People of this zodiac sign will get help from their spouse in some important work today. Due to this, the work will be completed easily.
Today will be a good day. If the businessmen of this zodiac keep their planning secret, then they will be successful. Today your planned work will be completed. Before investing in any work, do a thorough investigation. Avoid unnecessary shopping today and strengthen your financial position. Playing with children in the evening will end the complications. You can go out with friends.
Today luck will support you completely. Your spouse will do something today that will make you happy. Some things will come up in business today that will be beneficial in the future. Your health is going to be excellent today. Starting a new work will be beneficial for you. There will be new possibilities for monetary gains. Today is a good day for engineers of this zodiac. Today you are going to get an offer for teaching from a college.
Today is going to be a favourable day. You will get answers to many complicated questions today, and the state of confusion will end. You are going to get a big benefit from some work today, and along with that, the incomplete work will be completed. Today you are going to get more support from your sister than expected in some personal work. Newly married couples will go for a picnic to a good place today. Today your spouse can give you a beautiful gift, this will increase sweetness in the relationship. Seeing your performance in the office today, the boss will consider your promotion.
Today will be a favourable day. If people of this zodiac sign work wisely today, then you will benefit. The day is good for people associated with the banking sector. There are chances of getting a promotion opportunity. Today, new ideas will come to your mind to earn more money. Today, you will get the support of a friend in a difficult situation. This will strengthen your friendship even more. Do not trust anyone immediately today, otherwise someone can take advantage of your straightforwardness. Today is the day to take steps with understanding, so do not express your thoughts unless necessary.
Today will be a good day for you. If you are going on a trip today, then you will benefit. Do not forget to keep all the necessary documents with you before going on a trip. You may feel a little lazy today. Today your hard work will prove fruitful. Your attractive and magnetic personality will attract people's attention. Today, a distant relative may come to meet you, which will create a happy atmosphere in the whole house.
Today will bring new gifts. Today is an auspicious day for business growth. Implementing the plans made earlier will be good today. People around you will be happy with you today. People of this zodiac sign who are associated with tourism are going to get financial benefits today. Be cautious about work today, an opponent may try unsuccessfully to harm your business. Students will get the support of their elder sister in completing the project today.
Today your mind will be more engaged in spirituality. Today your influence will increase in the office. Newly married couples of this zodiac may have to go to a social function today. Where they will meet someone who will make them happy. Parents' advice is going to prove effective in a new business. Students will focus on their studies. Students who are studying away from home are going to have some big success today. Lovemates will understand each other's feelings today.
Today will be a happy day for you. Today your health will be better than before. Look at the bright side of the situation and you will find that things are improving. There will be fun and laughter with friends in college and you will also discuss something in between. Keep yourself away from useless things today or else most of your time will be spent in useless things. Today you will help someone in need, which will make you feel better. This will give you happiness.
(Acharya Indu Prakash is a well-known astrologer of the country, who has a long experience in Vastu, Samudrik Shastra, and Jyotish Shastra. You can see him in predictions every morning at 7.30 am on India TV.)
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