In a shocking incident, a group of four goons attacked a night club in the Delhi's Shahdara area on the intervening night of Friday and Saturday. Four men arrived at the club around 11.45 pm on Friday and two of them aimed their guns and shot at him, the FIR read quoting the complaint. The accused fled towards Vivek Vihar after threatening the night club bouncers.
Meanwhile, the police arrested one of the accused - 30-year-old Shahrukh - for allegedly opening fire outside the night club.
At 12.59 am on Saturday, police received a call about a firing outside Kanch Club in the Jhilmil industrial area.
A team from Seemapuri police station reached the spot and found two live cartridges and eight empty shells on the road outside the club, a senior officer said.
There were two bullet marks on the door of the club, the officer said.
"Based on the complaint, an FIR was registered and one Shahrukh was arrested. Two more accused have been identified and efforts are underway to nab them," the officer added.?
(With PTI inputs)