Two days after a woman from Bihar was found dead with her throat slit in a paying guest accommodation at the Koramangala area in Bengaluru on July 23, CCTV footage of the alleged murder surfaced on Friday, purportedly showing the gruesome details of the crime. The police said that the assailant sneaked and killed Kriti Kumari, 24, in the night.
Police sources said the victim was staying with another woman. A few days ago, Kriti Kumari's roommate had moved out of the paying guest accommodation. It is suspected that she had gone to stay with her boyfriend.
How did the crime take place?
On July 23, the woman returned to the PG to stay with Kriti Kumari. Sources suspect that the assailant had doubts that Kriti Kumari could be instrumental behind the change of her roommate's mind. The footage shared by the police shows that the man walked into the corridor of the paying guest holding a polythene bag.
He then knocked on the door and dragged the woman out. The victim resisted the attack but was soon overpowered by the murderer, who slit her throat and ran away. Hearing the loud noise, other women among the paying guests came running, but they could not save her.
"Kriti Kumari hailed from Bihar. She was working in a private company in the city. The incident might have happened on July 23 at about 11 pm," a police officer said.
(With PTI inputs)
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