Uttar Pradesh Police on Tuesday said it has solved a case related to the kidnap and murder of a private university student in Noida. Six accused involved in the case have been arrested under the Uttar Pradesh Gangsters and Anti-Social Activities (Prevention) Act, police said.
The accused identified as Rachit Nagar, Sushant, Sumit, Shivam, Shashikant and Shubham Chaudhary have been arrested under the law on Monday, said Dadri SHO Sujeet Upadhyay.?
In February, Yash Mittal, a student of Bennett University in Dadri was kidnapped for ransom. Mittal was taken to Gajraula in Amroha district where he was murdered. On February 27, Pradeep Mittal, accused's father lodged a report at Dadri police station that the accused had kidnapped Yash and demanded a ransom of Rs 6 crore.
The police arrested some people and recovered the student's body based on their information.
After a quarrel, the accused allegedly strangled Yash Mittal to death and buried his body in a pit. His body was recovered from the farm of Hrithik, an accused in the case, the officer added.
(With PTI inputs)
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