Assembly elections in Uttar Pradesh are scheduled to be held in the next couple of months and to know the mood of the public ahead of the crucial polls, India TV's team is out on the ground. Our team was in Ghaziabad to gauge what people think of Yogi Adityanath's government on our election special show 'Ye Public Hai Sab Janti Hai'.?
"No development work has been done in Ghaziabad. BJP government has done nothing and corruption has increased all these years," said an elderly woman from the area.?
Another local from the area said "there's a lot of filth at the UP border and as soon as we enter UP from Ghaziabad it feels like we have entered into hell. From farmers to Dalits, everyone faced atrocities during this government. In the name of pollution, Hindu festivals like Diwali were targeted."?
Although, many people also expressed satisfaction over the work done by the BJP government.?
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