Bollywood superstars Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif are all set to fire the box office with their next film Bharat. Ever since the announcement of the Ali Abbas Zafar’s film, fans have been eagerly waiting to know more and more about it and witness they magic of this blockbuster Jodi unravel on the big screen. While audience still have to wait until Eid this year for the movie to release, the makers as well the actors keep treating their fans with interesting sneak peaks from behind the scenes and the sets of Bharat. Just a few days ago, Katrina Kaif surprised the fans with an endearing picture of herself with superstar Salman Khan as she wrapped up the film.?
From the trailer launch to the release date, here is everything that will make you excited about Salman Khan, Katrina Kaif starrer Bharat-
Bharat Release Date
Bollywood superstar Salman Khan is known to treat his fans on Eid every year. After a series of blockbuster movies on the festival, this year Salman Khan will come with his Bharat on June 5. The makers have locked the date and its just a couple of months before the actors weave their magic.?
Bharat Trailer Launch
On Sunday, director Ali Abbas Zafar took to his twitter to share the news about Bharat’s trailer and wrote, "Yes the trailer of @Bharat_TheFilm is locked , we are into final stages of? post production , it will come out in 3rd week of April . This one is a very special film , Nervous , anxious & excited? . May god bless us all ." Now, trade analyst and Bollywood critic Taran Adarsh has revealed that the trailer will be launched on April 24 and it will be showcased with Avengers: Endgame on 26 April 2019.
Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif wedding sequence
Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif fans are super excited for the much-talked about wedding song in the film Bharat. As per a source that quoted to DNA, “ There are several tracks in the film, featuring on different actors but the one that’s being shot right now is a wedding number. It’s an upbeat song that gives out the festival feel as well. A lot of flowers and other decorations are being used. This will also be Salman and Kat’s second song in the film, after the one they shot in Malta.”
Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif starrer film Bharat is a directorial project of Ali Abbas Zafar. The movie also features Disha Patani, Tabu, Sunil Grover and Jackie Shroff in important roles. Produced by Atul Agnihotri, the film is an official adaptation of?Korean film titled, 'An Ode To My Father'.
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