Salman Khan is all geared up for the release of his movie Bharat on June 5, alongside Katrina Kaif. Directed by Ali Abbas Zafar, Bharat will showcase five different looks of Salman Khan. Friday morning went right when Salman Khan and the other cast of Bharat went live on Twitter. They acknowledged their fans and answered their questions.?
One of Salman Khan's fans asked him about working with Sunil Grover, the Guthi fame from the show Comedy Nights with Kapil. To which Salman Khan replied saying, "He’s one of the most talented people that I’ve ever come across till date. There are lots of actors in the movie, who, in some scenes have done much better than me (laughs) so I used to joke about it…when I saw someone performing really well… I used to look and Sunil and say “le gaya scene”.
Salman Khan goes on saying, “He’s one of the most talented actors I’ve seen so far. When he’s acting – he’s completely into the character. If you see him as Guthi or Dr. Gulati or when he’s imitating Mr. Bachchan or Dharmendra Ji, he’s not hitting below the belt in his comedy. He is actually a fan of them and he plays their character to the T.”
In fact, the same question was asked from Katrina to which she replied, “When we’d be waiting for Salman Khan in the morning on sets for a short time…we got a chance to have some really incredible conversation. When I first got to know Sunil Ji, I realised that he’s one of the really incredible people.. of course, he’s funny. You can just talk to him about anything”
Bharat star cast was live on Twitter to talk about the movie and address their fans. It was a great moment when the fans were able to get the answers to their questions. Bharat movie is set to release on June 5, Eid. It is the official adaption of the South Korean movie, 'Ode To My Father'. Watch the official trailer of the movie:?