Superstar Shah Rukh Khan is having busy days prepping up for his upcoming Aanand L Rai film Zero. Last month, one of his leading ladies for the film, Anushka Sharma joined him back to shoot for her sequences. The trio including Katrina Kaif are working really hard for Zero and we have no doubts about that. But amid the slog, they do make some time for Masti and of course, creating some memories. On Friday, Shah Rukh Khan gave us a glimpse of fun they have on the sets of Zero.
In the picture, Badshah of Bollywood, Shah Rukh Khan is seen pulling a cycle rickshaw while his leading ladies Anushka Sharma and Katrina Kaif enjoy the ride. All of them are dressed in the same colour combination, white and blue. He shared the picture with caption, “Best memories begin with insane ideas...Girls taking me along for a ride called #Zero”
Katrina Kaif also shared the same picture, however, with a different caption. She wrote, “The best chauffeur limousine u can order back together again with @iamsrk @anushkasharma courtesy the incredible @aanandlrai.”
The picture has been clicked by the very talented filmmaker and director of Zero, Aanand L Rai. Perhpas, that’s why he’s missing in the picture.
Shah Rukh Khan’s upcoming film Zero will feature him as a dwarf. It is the first time SRK will be playing such an audacious role in a mainstream movie. Anushka Sharma, Shah Rukh Khan and Katrina Kaif will be sharing the screen space for the second time with Zero. It is slated to release in December 2018, clashing with Gattu Kapoor’s Kedarnath.?