It's been 12 days since Shah Rukh Khan's film Jawan hit the silver screen. Directed by Atlee, the vigilante action thriller is not only shattering box office records in India but also across the globe. The film started with Rs 75 crore and it's not stopping anytime soon. From the Rs 100 to Rs 300 to Rs 400 crore clubs, Jawan is all set to enter the Rs 500 crore in India.?
On Day 12 in theatres, Jawan earned Rs 16 crore, according to early estimates by This is the film's second week on the big screen. During its Week 1, it collected Rs 389.88 crore in India. While Rs 347.98 crore was earned by the Hindi version, Rs 23.86 crore, and Rs 18.04 crore were earned by the Tamil and Telugu versions respectively.
The total collection of Jawan in India is Rs 493.63 crore, as of Day 12, and will soon cross the Rs 500 crore mark in the country. The overall occupancy of Jawan on Day 12 was recorded at 23.92 per cent.?
Jawan occupancy on Day 12, Hindi?
- Morning shows: 13.31 per cent
- Afternoon shows: 20.85 per cent
- Evening shows: 28.08 per cent
- Night shows: 33.45 per cent?
Jawan also stars Nayanthara as Narmada Rai, Vijay Sethupathi as Kaali Gaikwad, and Deepika Padukone as Aishwarya Rathore. The extended star cast includes—Sunil Grover, Sanya Malhotra, Riddhi Dogra, Leher Khan, Girija Oak, Aaliya Qureshi, Sanjeeta Bhattacharya, and Eijaz Khan.?
Recently, the cast and crew of Jawan held a press conference in Mumbai to celebrate the success of the film. Several photos and videos of the event went viral wherein Shah Rukh Khan can be seen grooving to Chaleya with Deepika Padukone. The event was attended by Atlee, Anirudh Ravichander, Vijay Sethupathi, and the extended star cast while Nayanthara gave it a miss due to her mother's birthday.?
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