Student of the Year 2 actress Ananya Panday was seen holding AbRam in her arms and making a funny video with him. Ananya and the youngest son of Shah Rukh Khan are seen spreading naughtiness all over the social media. The duo is seen doing a funny stunt. Ananya Panday and AbRam are seen teasing each other with their tongues out. However, what Ananya is seen doing is touching her nose with her tongue. However, the two look adorable.
Ananya tries hard to touch the tips of her nose with the help of her tongue. After two to three times, she finally succeeds in doing the same. However, it surprises AbRam and he is seen giggling in the video.
Ananya captioned the video saying, "Shocking him with my talent!"
Watch the video here:?
On the work front, Ananya Panday will be next seen in 'Pati Patni aur Woh' alongside Kartik Aaryan. In fact, the two have been in news for flirting out with each other. Ananya even spoke about her crush on Kartik Aaryan and yes she wants to go out on a date with him.
Also in an interview with Hindustan Times, she said, "Let me put it this way, he is a very good friend. We’re also doing a film together [Pati Patni Aur Woh] and have a very comfortable equation. We get along really well. I love spending time with him. Her recent debut movie Student of the Year 2 is running successfully in the theatres.?