In her interviews, Bollywood actor Janhvi Kapoor might have left no stone unturned to talk about her admiration and devotion towards Tirupati Balaji temple. The actor had also revealed that her mother and late actor Sridevi used to visit Andhra Pradesh's famous temple on each of her birthdays. After Sridevi passed away Janhvi Kapoor continued the tradition and the actor made it to the temple on her mother's birthday. Today on the occasion of Sridevi's birth anniversary, Janhvi once again visited Tirupati and the actor has shared several photos on her Instagram.?
Janhvi Kapoor's work front
Janhvi Kapoor visited Tirupati on Wednesday and shared three photos on Instagram. In the first photo. the famous stairs of the temple can be seen. The second picture is of JK's younger days with her late mother. She has shared her traditional look in the third photo. The actor wore a mustard-coloured Kanjivaram saree and paired it with gajra, and gold jewellery. The actor opted for light make-up for the day.
Watch her post here:
Janhvi Kapoor's work front
On the work front, Janhvi Kapoor was last seen in the film 'Mr and Mrs Mahi'. Her pairing with Rajkumar Rao in the film was well-liked. Now she is in the news for her film 'Ulajh' with Gulshan Devaiah, which is running in theatres. The film was released on August 2nd and has been unable to pull back audiences into the theatres. Apart from this, she also has Junior NTR's 'Devara-Part One' and an untitled film with Ram Charan in the pipeline. Dharma Productions' 'Sunny Sanskari Ki Tulsi Kumari' with Varun Dhawan is also in JK's kitty.?
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