Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha are FINALLY engaged. After days of speculations, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader and the actress said 'YES' In the presence of family and friends at Delhi's Kapurthala House, Connaught Place, Delhi. The couple was twinning in white ethnic outfits for the ceremony that was attended by everyone from actor Priyanka Chopra to Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal. A video from the occasion has emerged online, in which the two look smitten with each other as they danced and shared some mushy moments.?
In the video, Parineeti is seen holding Raghav's arm and singing the song 'Ve Maahi' from her film 'Kesari', after which the AAP leader planted a kiss on her cheeks. The duo stood near a table and in front of a wall decorated with white flowers and lots of plants as they plan to cute a huge cake. Pari held Raghav close as she sang along with the singers and gave him a hug. Their video was widely shared on social media and fans are gushing over the couple. One said, "They are the cutest." One fan also said, "They look so much in love. God bless them." "Watching this video on loop...such a heart warming video," a fan commented.
The couple greeted the paps outside the Kapurthala house after the ceremony. The newly engaged duo were all smiles for the camera. The family members of the Chopra and Chadhas distributed sweets for the paps stationed outside the venue. For the special day, Parineeti wore a full-sleeve turtle neck suit, designed by Manish Malhotra. She kept her hair loose and completed the look with heavy earrings and a mangtika and rings. The neckline of the suit is adorned with a string of pearls. Raghav wore an Achkan designed by Delhi-based designer and his uncle, Pawan Sachdev.
On Saturday, Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha announced the news of their engagement by sharing identical posts featuring their romantic photos. "Everything I prayed for... I said yes. Waaheguru ji meher karan (Be kind to us God)," wrote Parineeti. Meanwhile, Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha's function began at 5 pm with Sukhmani Sahib path, followed by ardas. Engagement took place at 8 pm.
On the professional front, Parineeti will be seen sharing screen space with Diljit Dosanjh in 'Chamkila'. Helmed by Imtiaz Ali, the film revolves around two popular Punjabi singers Amarjot Kaur and Amar Singh Chamkila. While Parineeti will be essaying the role of Amarjot, Diljit will be seen as Chamkila.
ALSO READ:?Parineeti Chopra-Raghav Chadha are now engaged; see first photos of the couple