Sai Pallavi, a popular actress in South India, recently found herself at the center of a viral social media photo. The picture shows her alongside director Rajkumar Periyasamy, both wearing garlands around their necks. Numerous fan pages began speculating that the two had secretly tied the knot. However, the reality behind is different. The photograph was taken during a puja ceremony for Rajkumar Periyasamy and Sivakarthikeyan's upcoming film, tentatively titled 'SK 21'.
After the photo went viral, it sparked rumours of a secret marriage between the two. However, it has been clarified that the image was taken during the puja ceremony for their film 'SK 21'. The photo appears to have been strategically cropped and shared on various social media platforms, misleading some to believe that they had secretly tied the knot.
Well, on May 9, director Rajkumar shared a few pictures from the puja ceremony to wish Sai Pallavi on her birthday. "Happy birthday dear @Sai_Pallavi92 You are the best and May God bless you with everything that’s best as always! I feel blessed to have you too by my side in this! Thank you for being there!," he wrote alongside the photos.?
Sai Pallavi work front
Pallavi was last seen in the 2022 Tamil movie "Gargi". Now, the actress is set to reunite with Naga Chaitanya after the 2021 Telugu film 'Love Story' for another project, the makers said. Chandoo Mondeti, known for films such as Telugu titles 'Premam' and the 'Karthikeya' franchise, will direct the upcoming film. Production house Geetha Arts, established by Allu Aravind, made the announcement on its official X page. "The beautiful and talented @Sai_Pallavi92 joins the voyage of #NC23. Pre-production in full swing. Shoot begins soon. Yuvasamrat @chay_akkineni @chandoomondeti #BunnyVas @GeethaArts @KarthikTheeda @bhanu_pratapa."
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