Without Me, hitmaker Halsey and Canadian actor Avan Jogia were recently spotted together in Los Angeles at a restaurant. The duo were seen holding hands and walking in and around the city. Soon after, the couple stopped to embrace each other. Halsey was seen in bell-bottom denim with a graphic rey T-shirt, which she had made a knot that looked like a crop top. She accessorised it with a black leather jacket, yellow pumps, and a Yves Saint Lauren handbag. Whereas Avan was wearing a long black leather trench coat and blue denim with a white splatter design and accessorised it with white chunky boots.
Halsey got separated from Turkish-American screenwriter Alev Aydin with whom she has a son named Ender Ridely in June 2021. In April 2023, she filed for primary physical custody of their 21-month-old son so that she could take him on tours with her and also requested joint legal custody. Halsey aka?Ashley Nicolette Frangipane is a singer who is best known for several hits including The Chainsmoker's single Closer, Bad At Love, Now or Never, Colors, and Gasoline among others.?
Canadian actor Avan Jogia first received recognition for portraying Danny Araujo in the television film A Girl Like Me: The Gwen Araujo Story. He has appeared in several TV series and films including Spectacular!, Finding Hope Now, Rags, Ten Thousand Saints (2015), I Am Michael, and Zombieland: Double Tap. His directorial debut came in 2011 with the short film Alex. Avan was previously dating The Last Man of Earth star Cleopatra Coleman from 2017 to 2021.
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