The latest revelation about Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Ram Leela on Koffee With Karan 8 has left the fans intrigued. For those who are yet to watch the first episode of KWK 8, Ranveer Singh revealed that Kareena Kapoor was initially locked in for Leela's role in Ram Leela, however, she made an exit a week before the shoot and later Deepika Padukone was finalised. The unknown revelation of the chat show has left fans intrigued and dug out Kapoor's old interview where she vowed never to work with SLB.?
In a conversation with Filmfare in 2002, Kareena Kapoor had revealed that Sanjay Leela Bhansali first finalised her to play Paro in Devdas. He also gave her the signing amount, the actor had claimed. However, she later was informed that SLB locked Aishwarya Rai to play the role opposite Shah Rukh Khan.?
When Kareena Kapoor went to Sanjay Leela Bhansali's residence with Neeta Lulla
In the same interview, Kareena Kapoor stated that she was deeply hurt by Bhansali and decided to never work with him. "I’ll never. What he did to me was wrong. He screen-tested me for Devdas, gave me a signing amount, and then took someone else. That was wrong, it hurt especially because I was at the start of my career. It’s okay, because the day he dropped me, I signed Yaadein. Sanjay hurt me. Even if I have no work, I’ll never work with him," Kareena Kapoor had said.?
Sanjay Leela Bhansali's clarification
On the contrary, Sanjay Leela Bhansali had denied all the claims back then and clarified that he never promised her a role in Devdas. He added that the actor visited him at his residence with Neeta Lulla and had expressed her desire to work with him. However, he told her that he hadn't seen her work before and wanted to do a few look tests. He also mentioned that he told Babita, Kapoor's mother, and Karisma Kapoor that it wasn't a confirmation.?
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