After his blockbuster film Brahmastra with Ayan Mukerji, Ranbir Kapoor will be soon in cinemas with Sandeep Reddy Vanga's Animal. The actor is busy promoting the film and recently interacted with his fans via a Zoom call.?
During the Zoom call, a fan asked Kapoor if there was going to be Tamasha's reunion. Speaking of the same, the actor said, "I should bring it up. Unfortunately, what happened was that Imtiaz and I were so close because we were working so much with each other. Then what happens is that we go on different projects, and then those people become your circle of friends, and you start working a lot with them. So, I’ve really been out of touch with Imtiaz.”?
Ranbir on Tamasha's box office failure
The actor further highlighted the box office failure of Tamasha and said the film has influenced the lives of the audience over the years. He said, "The impact of Tamasha is much greater than we all imagined."
Ranbir Kapoor on his chemistry with Alia Bhatt in Brahmastra
Ranbir Kapoor further addressed the lack of chemistry between him and Alia Bhatt in Brahmastra: Part One. He said, "From the dialogues or people saying that Shiva and Isha's chemistry was somewhere missing, There was a lot of constructive criticism, so we are taking that into our stride, trying to understand that, and kind of going beyond that."
He further gave an update about Brahmastra Part 2: Dev. He revealed that the shooting will begin but the end of next year or the beginning of 2025. "We start shooting hopefully by the end of next year or the beginning of 2025. But definitely, a lot of work has already been happening on the film," he said.
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