Actor Mrunal Thakur has dismissed the rumours that she will be sharing the screen space with actor Prabhas in his upcoming film. A news outlet on Wednesday shared a report on Instagram, stating that Prabhas' new film, titled Fauji, will feature Mrunal Thakur in a vital role. The actor, known for her performances in movies such as Love Sonia, Sita Ramam, Super 30, Jersey and Hi Nanna, commented on the post, saying, "Sorry to be a vibe killer! Buttttt I'm not a part of this film."
According to the report, Fauji will be directed by Hanu Raghavapudi and its first look will be unveiled by the makers on August 17. Interestingly, Thakur recently made a cameo appearance in Prabhas' latest release, Kalki 2898 AD, which also featured Amitabh Bachchan, Deepika Padukone and Kamal Haasan in important roles. The film was released in Tamil, Telugu and Hindi on June 27 and the biggest grosser of 2024.
Mrunal's upcoming projects
Mrunal Thakur has several big projects in her kitty including Vishwambara, also starring Trisha Krishnan, Rana Daggubati, Chiranjeevi and Isha Chawla. She will also star in David Dhawan's next directorial, which also has Varun Dhawan and Janhvi Kapoor and is reportedly titled Baby John.
Apart from these, she will star alongside Ajay Devgn in Son of Sardaar 2. The shooting is currently in the pre-production phase and is set to release in the later half of 2025.?However, she will next feature in Pooja Meri Jaan alongside Huma Qureshi and Vijay Raaz.
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