'Bigg Boss OTT 3' may have ended, but the contestants of the show remain in the limelight. Sana has won the title, lifted the trophy and won 25 lakh rupees. While Rapper Naezy was the first runner-up of the reality show, Bollywood actor Ranveer Shorey became the second runner-up of 'Bigg Boss OTT 3'. Now recently, Ranveer has also come on YouTube and has also shared his first vlog, in which he is seen clarifying his statements against the Bigg Boss OTT 3 and winner Sana.
In this video shared by the actor, he can be seen thanking his fans and Bigg Boss viewers for helping him reach the top 3 race. At a time when his social media handles were not active and he had no PR team outside the house. He further said that he wanted to clarify some things. Along with this, he has also made a statement on media interviews.?
Clarified the statement of Bigg Boss being biased
A statement given by the actor made the audience feel that he had called Bigg Boss biased after Sana Makbul's victory in the show. Clarifying his stand on the same, Ranveer said, "I think the media people have a habit of twisting the topic. Just like our winner this year. I had only said that in my opinion there could be more deserving winners than him. Apart from me, I had also included Armaan, Lavkesh, Shivani, Vishal and Chandrika in that list."
Took a dig at Sana Maqbool
The actor further said, "Actually I am so scared of Bigg Boss that if I hear his voice right now, I will stand up right now and this fear will remain for life. Therefore, it was not my intention to call Bigg Boss biased at all. I can never make this mistake. If anyone has shown the courage to go against Bigg Boss, it is Sana Makbul when she went against Bigg Boss and said that he was wrong when he accused her of revealing that she is an outsider. Perhaps because of this courage, she won. I want to congratulate her with all my heart."
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