Over the years, Kangana Ranaut has proved her mettle not just in Bollywood but also in South Indian cinema. After her promising role as J Jayalalitha in Thalaivii, the actor is back with another Tamil film, Chandramukhi 2. Helmed by P Vasu, the film also stars Raghava Lawrence, who stepped in Rajinikanth's shoes, in the film. The horror-comedy is running successfully in theatres and has crossed the Rs 15 crore mark in just 3 days.?
Chandramukhi 2 collected Rs 5 crore on its Day 3. The film earned Rs 4.35 crore on its second day out of which Rs 3.4 crore was collected by the Tamil version, while Rs 0.85 crore and Rs 0.1 crore were earned by the Tamil and Telugu versions respectively. According to the early estimates by Sacnilk.com, the total collection of Chandramukhi 2 stands at Rs 17.60 crore.?
The film saw an overall occupancy of 35.74 per cent in the Tamil belt on Saturday. Besides, the highest occupancy rate was recorded during the night shows at 48.40 per cent.
Chandramukhi 2 occupancy rate Day 3, Tamil
- Morning shows: 20.06 per cent
- Afternoon shows: 36.39 per cent
- Evening shows: 38.11 per cent
- Night shows: 48.40 per cent
Bankrolled by Lyca Productions, Chandramukhi 2 is made on a budget of Rs 60 crore. The film is the second instalment of the 2005 Chandramukhi, which saw Rajinikanth, Prabhu, Nayanthara, and Jyothika in key roles. Chandramukhi 2 is the continuation of its first part and revolves around a wealthy family that reawakens the centuries-old feud between Vettaiyan Raja and Chandramukhi. The film also stars Lakshmi Menon, Mahima Nambiar, Srushti Dange, Raadhika Sarathkumar, Subiksha Krishnan, and Vadivelu in titular roles.
Kangana Ranaut's film clashed with Vivek Agnihotri's The Vaccine War and Mrigdeep Singh Lamba's Fukrey 3.?
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