Director Nitesh Tiwari has been in the news for a long time about his film Ramayana. New updates regarding the film keep coming every day. Ever since the makers announced the film, there is no limit to the happiness of the fans. Ranbir Kapoor has been finalised for the role of Maryada Purushuttam Ram in the film. Arun Govil will be seen in the role of Dasharatha. Reports suggest that Janhvi Kapoor has replaced Sai Pallavi for the role of Sita. And now the character of Lakshman is going to be played by a well-known TV actor.
Famous actor will play the role of Laxman
Fans have set their eyes on this film of Nitesh Tiwari. After Ram and Sita, now there is discussion everywhere about Lakshman's character in the film. After the announcement of Ranbir Kapoor's role as Ram, now a famous TV actor and producer has been selected for the role of Laxman. According to the reports of E Times, Ravi Dubey, a famous TV actor, host, producer, and husband of famous Punjabi film actor Sargun Mehta, is going to play the role of Lakshman in Ramayana. But neither the filmmaker nor Ravi?himself has made any official announcements yet.?
Reports suggest that Sunny Deol has also been finalised for the role of Hanuman. Now it remains to see who bags the role of Ravan in Nitish Tiwari's Ramayana.?
A look at Ravi Dubey's career
Ravi Dubey has made his mark in the industry based on his acting talent. He has played such characters in many popular shows like 12/24 Karol Bagh, Saas Bina Sasural, and Parvarish which people still remember him for even today. However, it was the popular TV show Jamai Raja that gave a new direction to Ravi's career. Apart from being an actor, Ravi has also been trying his skills as a producer for some time. He has produced famous TV shows like Udariyaan, Swaran Ghar, and Juniyat.
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