TV actor Gurucharan Singh, who became famous by playing the character of Mr Sodhi in 'Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah', is going through a difficult time these days. Earlier he disappeared from home for a few days and now he has opened up about having a huge loan on him. He is even repaying that loan somehow but is constantly looking for work and is getting disappointed. The actor also revealed that he's been on a liquid diet for 34 days.?
Gurucharan Singh's latest interview garners attention?
While talking to Siddharth Kannan, Gurucharan Singh said that people love him very much and they want to see him. "I want to work so that I can bear my expenses myself and support my parents. I have been looking for work in Mumbai for more than a month. I want to start my second innings by starting work again. I need money because I have to pay EMIs and also make credit card payments. I still have to ask for money and there are some good people who lend me money."
1.2 crores debt on the actor
Gurucharan further said that he owes Rs 60 lakh to banks and credit card companies, and Rs 60 lakh is also to those who have lent him money. 'I have a lot of debt. I have to repay Rs 60 lakh to banks and credit card companies. Apart from this, some of my good acquaintances have lent me money, so I have to repay the same amount of their debt as well. Overall, my debt is around Rs 1.2 crore,' said the actor.?
Singh also said that he has been on a liquid diet for 34 days. The actor said, 'I have stopped eating food for 34 days. I am on a liquid diet and drinking milk, tea and coconut water. I have seen only failure for the last 4 years. I am trying to do different things. Tried to do business and many other things, but failed in everything. Now I am tired and want to earn something.'
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