Bigg Boss 16: Salman Khan's BB 16 has added a new flavor to the show this time. The show has introduced Rapper MC Stan, the young musician from Pune who will be bringing his rags to riches story. He walked onto the stage calling himself ‘Basti ka hasti’, leaving Salman smiling.?
Who is Rapper MC Stan?
MC Stan, whose real name is Altaf Tadavi aka Altaf Shaikh is a Pune-based rapper. While he started as a qawwali singer at the age of 12, he was later drawn toward rapping soon. Now based in Mumbai, he has released two albums, Insaan and Tadipaar. He is also known for his diss track about Emiway Bantai and a collaboration video with Raftaar. MC Stan has always chosen to keep a low profile often terming himself as an ‘underground artiste’. However, he recently made headlines after his former girlfriend accused him of getting her beaten up by miscreants.
In an earlier interview, MC Stan had spoken about how he wants his music to travel across the globe. Adding that he will be creating songs in his mother tongue, he shared, “Hindi is my genre and I want to take Hindi onto a worldwide platform as it is my ‘matrabhasha.’ I desire to disperse this language until it is incorporated into the school curriculum of Western countries which also led me to start my own record label called Hindi Records”.?
MC Stan has always chosen to keep a low profile often terming himself as an ‘underground artiste’. However, he recently made headlines after his former girlfriend accused him of getting her beaten up by miscreants. The rapper began singing qawwali at the age of 12 and has 2.78 million subscribers on his YouTube channel. He has also worked with famous rapper Raftaar. In addition to his dissing rap war with Emiway Bantai, the young rapper gained fame for his song Wata, which has over 21 million views.
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