India TV Fact Check: The police and investigative agencies are taking action in the NEET paper leak case. A video related to this is being shared on social media. The video claims that six people were arrested in Deoghar, Jharkhand, hiding in the Congress party office, in connection with the NEET paper leak case. The video shows some individuals being tied up with ropes after being arrested. However, an India TV fact-check revealed that this claim is entirely false. The video circulating on the internet and the associated claims are incorrect.
What's the truth behind the video?
Mukesh Singh, a Facebook user, shared a video on June 27, claiming, "Six accused in the NEET paper leak case were hiding in the Congress office in Deoghar, Jharkhand. Watch this and share it with others to expose the real face of Congress, which is playing with the future of students." When India TV investigated the video, they found that it was originally shared by news agency ANI. ANI mentioned that after medical examination, the six accused in the NEET UG case were taken to LNJP Hospital in Patna. It should be noted that the individuals shown in the video were arrested in Deoghar on June 21, not from the Congress office.
What information emerged from the investigation?
Further investigation revealed that India TV's digital website published a news article on June 22. The headline read, "Major action in the NEET paper leak case, six, including Chintu, detained by police in Deoghar." The article states that six accused were arrested in Deoghar. The names of the arrested individuals are Panku Kumar, Paramjeet Singh alias Bittu, Chintu alias Baldev Kumar, Kaju alias Prashant Kumar, Ajit Kumar, and Rajiv Kumar alias Karu. India TV declares the social media claims as fake and states that the video is being misrepresented.
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