In a major security operation in Jammu's Doda district on Wednesday, an Indian Army Captain was killed, and four terrorists are believed to have been gunned down. The encounter, which erupted in the thickly forested Shivgarh-Assar belt, is part of an ongoing effort to flush out foreign militants hiding in the area, officials reported. The operation, launched just a day before Independence Day, has added to the recent spike in violence in the region. During the intense gunbattle, a civilian also sustained injuries.?
The young captain, who led the cordon and search operation (CASO), was critically injured and later succumbed to his injuries at a military hospital. Officials recovered four blood-soaked rucksacks from the site, leading them to believe that four terrorists had been killed. M-4 carbines were also found at the scene.
Despite the heavy exchange of fire, the terrorists remain holed up near a river in the Assar area, an official said. The Army, however, has maintained on its official X handle that only an officer was injured.
"Search for the terrorists continues amidst heavy firefight. One officer has been injured while leading the search party. War-like stores have been recovered as operations continue," stated the White Knight Corps in a post.
The encounter initially began on Tuesday evening around 6 pm when security forces established contact with the terrorists in Udhampur district. After a brief exchange of fire, the terrorists crossed into Doda, prompting the ongoing operation. As the search resumed at daylight on Wednesday, the encounter intensified around 7:30 am, with both sides engaging in a renewed exchange of fire. The operation is still in progress.
Recovery of evidence
Officials reported that four blood-soaked rucksacks and M-4 carbines were recovered from the encounter site. The terrorists are reportedly holed up in a riverine area in Assar.
Timeline of events
The operation commenced following a brief exchange of fire between security forces and terrorists near Patnitop in the adjacent Udhampur district. Security forces established contact with the terrorists around 6 pm on Tuesday, and the engagement continued intermittently, leading to the establishment of a cordon overnight.
Renewed fighting
Search efforts resumed at daylight, and a renewed exchange of fire occurred around 7:30 am today, as operations continued in the area.
Also read |?Jammu and Kashmir: Encounter breaks out after contact established with terrorists in Patnitop