Amidst the Opposition's charge of manhandling their MPs in Rajya Sabha, a video has surfaced that shows protesting MPs jostling with the marshals on the floor of the Upper House. The over 2-minute video shows Opposition MPs shouting slogans and trying to climb onto a table even as marshals try to prevent them from doing so.?
A few of the leaders could also be seen tearing some papers and flinging them in the air. The incident took place on Wednesday.
The Opposition has been alleging manhandling of leaders. The Opposition parties today held a protest march from Parliament to Vijay Chowk. Prior to the march, Opposition leaders met at the chamber of Mallikarjun Kharge, Leader of Opposition, Rajya Sabha.?
In a joint statement issued later, the Opposition said that "what happened in Rajya Sabha yesterday was shocking, unprecedented, sad and an insult to the very dignity of the House and humiliation of the members of the august House".
"Without any provocation from the Opposition, outsiders who were not part of Parliament security were brought in to manhandle the Opposition leaders and members, including women Parliamentarians who were only protesting against the Government’s conduct, highhandedness and muzzling of the voice," the Opposition charged.
Speaking to media at the Vijay Chowk, Rahul Gandhi said that "voice of 60 per cent of this country has been crushed, humiliated and yesterday in the Rajya Sabha (the MPs were) physically beaten".
"For the first time in Rajya Sabha MPs were beaten up, after bringing people from outside," he alleged and added that "It is the Chairman's and Speaker's responsibility to run the House".
Parliamentary Affairs Minister Pralhad Joshi, however, has termed as "totally false" the opposition's allegations that marshals manhandled their MPs and said one can check facts from CCTV footage.
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READ MORE:?'Voice of people crushed': Rahul Gandhi leads Opposition protest march against govt