Google held its Made by Google event 2024 on August 13. During the event, the tech giant launched its Pixel 9 series smartphone along with Pixel Watch 3 and Pixel Buds 2 Pro. The newly launched Pixel 9 series smartphones include the Pixel 9, Pixel 9 Pro, Pixel 9 Pro XL and Pixel 9 Pro Fold. However, after the launch of these smartphones, Google discontinued the sale of some previous-generation Pixel devices in India. Here are all the details you need to know.?
As per the listing on Google Store, only the Google Pixel 9 series, Google Pixel 8 series, and Google Pixel 7a are now available for sale. In simple terms, it means users can Google Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro along with other previous generation Pixel smartphones are no longer available for purchase. However, interested buyers can still purchase these devices from Flipkart as they are currently available for sale on the e-commerce website with discounts.?
Google Pixel 7 discount on Flipkart
Google Pixel 7 smartphone, which was launched in 2022, is now available at a discounted price of Rs 32,999 on Flipkart, saving buyers Rs 27,000 from the original launch price of Rs 59,999. Additionally, customers can avail an extra Rs 2,000 off on ICICI Bank credit and debit card transactions.?
This offer reduces the effective price to Rs 30,999, making it Rs 6,000 cheaper than the Google Pixel 7a, which is currently listed for Rs 36,999 on Flipkart.
Google Pixel 7 Pro discount on Flipkart
Interested buyers looking to purchase a Google Pixel 7 Pro smartphone can now save Rs 40,000 on Flipkart. The smartphone was launched in India in 2022 with a base price of Rs 84,999, but it is currently listed for Rs 44,999 on Flipkart.?
Additionally, buyers can get an extra Rs 2,000 off on ICICI Bank credit and debit card transactions. With this offer, the effective price of the Google Pixel 7 Pro smartphone would be reduced to Rs 42,999.
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