WhatsApp is introducing a new feature called the 'Updates' tab to a selected group of iOS beta testers. According to reports from WABetaInfo, the status tab on WhatsApp has undergone modifications and is now known as "Updates." The initial version of the Updates tab includes a separate section called "Muted Status," where muted status updates can be found.
It appears that this version does not yet support channels, as they are still under development. The purpose of releasing this first version of the Updates tab is to introduce users to the initial changes in this tab.
To access the new Updates tab, beta testers need to install the latest version of WhatsApp beta for iOS through the TestFlight app. This limited release allows WhatsApp to gather feedback and make necessary adjustments before rolling out the feature to a wider user base.
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In Addition, WhatsApp has made it easier for users to access privacy settings by moving the shortcut to the same menu. They have also added a new shortcut for creating status updates, which can be found in the menu that appears when users tap the plus icon at the top of the screen.?
Apart from this, WhatsApp has recently introduced a new feature called "companion mode" for iPhone users which enables users to link their existing WhatsApp account to a second iOS device. With companion mode, users can connect up to four devices simultaneously, expanding the possibilities for using WhatsApp across multiple mobile phones.
Users can use one WhatsApp account on four iOS devices (majorly iPhones), they will not have to replace the SIM card on these devices.
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