In a shocking incident, a train travelling from Jharkhand to Goa witnessed chaos after a snake was found inside an AC coach on October 21. The snake was spotted slithering near the curtain of the lower berth of Vasco Da Gama Express that was running on October 21.??
The passengers travelling in the AC-2 tier coach took the videos which went viral on social media. The video was first shared by a man named Ankit Kumar Sinha on X. He posted the video stating that his parents were onboard the train. He urged Railways for immediate action. To which, Railway responded affirmatively.
In a post on X, Sinha said, "Hi IRCTC and Ministry of Railways, Snake found in Train -17322 (Jasidih to Vasco De Gama) on berth on date of 21st Oct This complaint is on behalf of my parents who are travelling in AC 2 Tier -(A2 31, 33). Please take immediate action. I have attached Videos for reference."
The Railway officials responded to the post and escalated the complaint to relevant officials for quick resolution. Later with the help of IRCTC staff, the snake was caught and the safety of the coach was restored.?The video shows a man holding a snake with a cloth sheet and taking it out of the coach.