In a significant development, BSP chief Mayawati on Sunday re-announced her nephew Akash Anand as her successor. She also reinstated him on the post of the party's national coordinator.??
Significantly, this comes after the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) chief Mayawati has removed his nephew Akash Anand earlier in May?-- as BSP's National Coordinator and her successor, while, terming him immature. Taking to social media platform X, Mayawati wrote, "I declared Akash Anand as the National Coordinator of BSP and my successor, but in the larger interest of the party and the movement, he is being separated from both these important responsibilities until he attains full maturity".
Key pointers: The BSP chief reviews party's performance in recently concluded?Lok Sabha elections?
BSP chief Mayawati on Sunday (June 23) held a meeting of all the party officials in Lucknow today, the first since the party's debacle in the recently concluded Lok Sabha Elections.
Significantly, in the 2024 polls held, the BSP, which contested alone this time, could not win a single seat as compared to its 2019 Lok Sabha election performance, where Mayawati formed an alliance with Akhilesh Yadav and won ten seats. In terms of voting percentage, the party played fairly poorly. Congress contested only 17 seats in UP, won six seats, and got 9.46 percent of the of the votes. While, BSP contested on all 80 seats, did not win a single seat, and the party got only 9.19 percent of the of the votes.
Further, it is pertinent to note that apart from reviewing party's poll performance, several significant decision were announced by the party supremo in the meeting. Notably, it was during the same meeting that Mayawati announced her decision to reinstate her nephew Akash Anand as the party's national coordinator as well as her political heir. The BSP supremo also during the meeting?announced the decision to run for the by-elections to be held on 10 assembly seats in UP.
READ MORE |?Mayawati sacks nephew Akash Anand as BSP's National Coordinator and her political heir