Government Railway Police (GRP) personnel in Bihar brutally beat a passenger on a train, causing his intestines to bulge out as stitches from a recent abdominal surgery ruptured. The incident occurred on Thursday evening when the Mumbai-bound Karmbhoomi Express reached Janakpur Road station. The violence erupted from a heated argument between two groups of passengers over seats. The GRP intervened, and the situation escalated when passengers allegedly attacked the GRP personnel, prompting them to use force to disperse the crowd.
Severe injury to passenger
The injured passenger, identified as Mohamad Furkaan, had undergone surgery days before the incident. Eyewitnesses claimed that a GRP officer struck Furkaan on his sutured abdomen, leading to his intestines bulging out.
GRP response and inquiry
Following the incident, two GRP personnel were suspended, and an inquiry was ordered. Muzaffarpur Superintendent of Police (Rail) Gaurav Mangla confirmed the inquiry and the suspension of the involved officers. Authorities are reviewing CCTV footage and interviewing witnesses.
Medical update
Furkaan has been admitted to Sri Krishna Medical College and Hospital in Muzaffarpur. His condition is reported to be stable, according to hospital officials.
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