The Jammu and Kashmir Police on Monday issued an alert against a propaganda video made by Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) with a poster of the Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan from his film, Phantom. The police also warned that people either sharing or forwarding content of this nature is an offence under Sections 13 and 18 of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, popularly known as UAPA.
Taking to its official X (formerly Twitter) handle, the Jammu and Kashmir Police said, ''A 5 minutes 55 seconds video by Jaish with a poster of the Bollywood movie Phantom with the photo of actor Saif Ali has just been released by the enemy around 2 PM today on 22 July 2024.''
The police have also warned the public against sharing the 'propaganda' video and asked them to share the details of the sender. ''General public is alerted that they will do the following:? 1.) first, they will not forward it in any manner to anyone 2.) second, they will report by a message as to who have they received this propaganda video from. Mention the telephone number and the date and time of the receipt of the video. 3.) police officers shall report it to their supervisory officer and civil officers should equally report it to their supervisory officers by way of a text message. Under no circumstances, this video shall be forwarded. It should be remembered that position and forwarding of content of this nature is an offence under section 13 and 18 of UAPA.''
Earlier this year, during the General Elections, manipulated videos of Bollywood actors Aamir Khan and Ranveer Singh, endorsing a political party made rounds on the internet.
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