Two days after Tamil star Siddharth was forced to leave a promotional event for his upcoming film Chithha in Bengaluru, the actor has now reacted to the same on his social media. For those who are late to the story, the actor's event was disrupted by a group of protestors who created a ruckus at the venue.
Speaking about the same during an Instagram Live, Siddharth said he had plans to screen Chithha for Bengaluru media after the press meet but was cancelled. He said, "Yesterday, in Bengaluru there was an incident. The backstory of it is that this is the first time, as a producer, I screened my film to many ahead of the movie’s theatrical release. It was shown to the media in Chennai and Kochi. There was a plan for such a show in Bengaluru as well. I had plans to show the film to about 2,000 students ahead of the release. No one has done it so far."
"There was also a plan to screen the film for Kannada stars that night. But everything was cancelled by us as a mark of respect to the bandh. We incurred a huge loss, but beyond that, it was disappointing that we couldn’t share a good film with people there," the actor continued.
Siddharth also mentioned that the incident took place in front of multiple cameras and he doesn't want to talk about it. He added that his film and the ongoing Cauvery issue are not related and his social responsibility will show in the films that he makes with his money.?
On September 28, the video of the same was circulated on social media following which Prakash Raj and Shiva Rajkumar apologised to Siddharth. Taking it to Twitter, Prakash Raj wrote, "Instead of questioning all the political parties and its leaders for failing to solve this decades old issue.. instead of questioning the useless parliamentarians who are not pressurising the centre to intervene.. Troubling the common man and Artists like this can not be accepted.. as a Kannadiga .. on behalf of Kannadigas. sorry #Siddharth #justasking."?
Take a look at the tweet: