Kaun Banega Crorepati 16, hosted by Amitabh Bachchan, returned to television on Monday, August 12. The second episode of KBC16 began with the rollover contestant Dipali Soni, who hails from Gujarat's Vadodara. The homemaker played attentively in the beginning, however, the 12th question of the game stumped her and forced her to quit the show. If you missed yesterday's episode, we have listed the question for Rs 12.5 lakh below, which Dipali failed to answer and decided to leave the game show.
The question was related to the climate clock. Big B asked, ''India's largest climate clock is installed at Anusandhan Bhavan, the headquarters of which organisation, to raise awareness about climate change?''
The four options include, A - DRDO, B - CSIR, C - BARC, and D - ISRO. Since Dipali had used all her lifelines, she decided to leave the show with Rs 6.40 lakh.
After she quits, the host asks her to pick and guess the answer. She chose DRDO but the correct answer was CSIR (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research). Explaining about the answer, Mr Bachchan added, ''This clock is at the headquarters of CSIR, and it reminds us that we need to protect our planet Earth and time is an important element in it.''
After Dipali, Big B continued with the Fastest Finger First round. The next contestant, who took the hot seat was a resident of Jharkhand state, Vaishnavi Bharti. Kaun Banega Crorepati airs on Sony Entertainment Television (SET) from Monday to Friday at 9 pm.
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