Due to bad lifestyles and irregular eating habits, people are falling prey to serious diseases like diabetes. The number of diabetes patients in India is increasing very rapidly. Every year, about 10 lakh people die due to diabetes. In such a situation, one should not be careless about this disease. Increasing sugar can have a bad effect on many parts of your body.
In such a situation, to control blood sugar, you must take special care of your diet. This disease can be controlled only with a good diet. To control increasing sugar, you must also include amla in your diet. Amla has such properties, which are very beneficial for diabetes patients. Let's know how Amla is beneficial for diabetes patients and how to consume it.
Amla is effective in controlling sugar
Amla is rich in vitamin C, vitamin AB, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, carbohydrates, and fiber, along with antioxidants. It prevents glucose spikes, improves metabolism, boosts immunity, and also protects the heart from the adverse effects of the disease. Therefore, diabetic patients are advised to include it in their daily diet
How to consume Gooseberry?
You can consume amla in many ways in your diet. Amla juice is considered beneficial for health. Grind one Amla, two cloves, 2 black peppers, and a small piece of ginger in a glass of water and drink it after filtering it well. Apart from this, amla and turmeric are also beneficial for diabetes patients. Amla powder and turmeric are rich in fiber and antioxidants, which help reduce the amount of sugar in the blood. It also helps to keep the amount of insulin balanced.
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